Sunday, August 21, 2016

Year Two

I'm so happy to be back for Year 2 at Christie!

What a difference a year makes---

This year, the week before school started I presented on a topic I care about to a staff of my friends.  Last year, I presented on a topic I really had no experience with to a staff I didn't know.

At Meet the Teacher, instead of a sea of kids whose faces I didn't recognize, I got a lot of hugs and shouts of "Mrs. McGlamery, look! I -- [fill in the blank... lost a tooth, got taller, cut my hair..]!"

Our PTA fed us an amazing dinner, and I watched as TONS of volunteers set up throughout the school to sell school supplies, spirit wear, and signs.  Better yet-- I watched as parents stood in line to buy them and join the PTA.

This year we have a Pre-K for the first time ever!  Game-changer.  These little ones will have the opportunity to prepare for Kindergarten at their home campus.  They will build the stamina necessary to make it through a long school week before they even turn 5.  And they will enter their Kindergarten classrooms with the skills needed to be successful.

We have 18 new staff members! And each of them has an energy level that is contagious.  They've jumped right in and joined our family seamlessly.

Speaking of "jumping right in", I've already received emails from Kindergarten parents looking for ways to serve our campus community.  Unreal!

Positive change is happening. It's fun to sense.  Fun to watch.  And even more fun to be a part of.

To anyone new to Christie, welcome! To veterans, welcome back!
I have a feeling that this is going to be the best year yet!!