Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year, New Beginning

I LOVE the New Year!  I love the idea of a fresh start.

Anything is possible in 2016.  Write your own ticket.  Plan your own destiny.

But we all know that's not the way real life works. 

Goals, dreams, and aspirations are sometimes met with victory and sometimes with disappointment.

Mr.Steele asked everyone on staff to pick one word that epitomizes what we claim for ourselves over the course of 2016.  Whether as a teacher, parent, spouse, friend... whatever.... pick a word.

My initial thought was "balance".  I need to find the balance between work and home.  Faith and work ethic.  Trusting and making things happen.

Then I thought, well maybe I should go with "appreciation".  I need to recognize what I've been given and opportunities I've been afforded and simply be grateful.

Then I thought more and more about 2016 and all of the things that are in store for me.  I even prayed about the word I should settle in on... and my word is FEARLESS.

I want to be fearless in 2016. I want to trust the people around me and trust myself.  I want to be reminded that God has a plan for me and He will not abandon the works of His hands.

To be without insecurity and rest in truth.

What's your word for 2016?

Happy New Year!!
