Thursday, March 16, 2017

"I Get By With a Little Help from My Friends"

Love that song.  (I'm sure it has an actual name, but I've always called it "The Wonder Years" theme.)  And the lyrics certainly reflect this past week.

I will be heading back to work Monday after being home for a full week recovering from back surgery.  It's not easy for me to ask for help or depend on others.  I'm usually the one shouldering others' burdens, and I prefer it that way.  It's humbling to not be able to even put on socks without help.

Luckily, my friends came to the rescue!

I've not had to cook dinner once this week because they have brought me food.  I've been surprised with lunch and flowers. I've been inundated with texts and phone calls, checking to make sure I'm ok.  It's been a wonderful week of blessings for me.

I'm excited to get back in the swing of things, and -- because of my family and friends-- I will be refreshed when I get back to the office.

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