Sunday, September 6, 2015


The character trait Christie is focusing on this month is INTEGRITY-- Doing the right thing even when no one is watching!

You can help reinforce the importance of being a person with integrity by celebrating the moments when your child does the right thing because it's the right thing to do.

Your son promises that he'll brush his teeth as soon as he finishes the next level of the video game he's playing.  Without reminding or prompting, he finishes the level, turns off the game, and brushes his teeth. 

Celebrate the integrity he showed!


Your daughter cleans her room without your asking because she knows it's what you expect.

Woo hoo!! She is showing integrity!


The older brother defends his little sister to his friends when they tease her.

That's the right thing to do!


Homework is finished. The dog is fed. The dishes are taken to the sink. You name it... If you are not having to constantly remind, bribe, or threaten consequences to get your child to meet an expectation, then CELEBRATE! 

It's so important that our kids grow and develop into people of integrity!

Be looking for moments to affirm the good choices your child makes all on his/her own.

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